たてつづけに3つの学会賞を受賞! Laboratory members have been triple awarded !
2015. 6. 2-7. 2015 International Student Conference on Environment and Sustainability. 修士課程2年生のウタミ=デシィさんがベストポスター賞(第二位)を受賞しました(上段)。Ms. Desi Utami has been awarded Best Poster Presentation Award (2nd Prize).
2015. 6. 29-30. 2015 環境バイオテクノロジー学会(東京大会). 学部4年生の伊藤知慧さんがベストポスター賞を受賞しました(中段)。Ms. Chie Itoh has been awarded Best Poster Presentation Award in the FY2015 Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Environmental Biotechnology.
2015. 7. 3-6. 3rd International Conference on Duckweed Research and Application (Duckweed 2015, Kyoto). 博士研究員ジョグ=ラフル博士がベストプレゼンテーション賞を受賞しました(下段)。Dr. Rajul Jog has been awarded Best Presentation Award.